In this blogposting…
* Truckshunters Day

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July seems to be an auspicious month, one way or another, for whole troops of people.  The USA and France mark their national days in July - on the 4 and 14, respectively.  Venezuela has hers on the 5, South Sudan on the 9, Somalia and Rwanda on the 1, the Solomon Islands on the 7, Peru on the 28.  The regrettably long-memoried people of Northern Ireland goad each other into acts of defiant violence on the 12.

Amidst this bustle of international flag-waving, one small, quiet voice is raised in the name of wayward sanity.  Ours.

And our day is today - July 24, the feast day of our very own patron saint.  Yes, ladies and gentlemen; the day has once more come round when we must show the appropriate respect for St Christina the Astonishing.  Truckshunters are Astonishing by nature and St Christina was Astonishing by name - a perfect match.

So - for just a couple of minutes today - lay down your daily burden of cares, of getting and spending.  Switch off your mobile phone and your tv.  Remove all distractions - present and possible.

Make a nice cup of tea and retrieve a digestive from the biscuit barrel.  Stare out of the window.  Look at the trees.  Stroke the cat or the dog - or both.  Dunk your McVitie’s then slurp your tea from the saucer.

And think of St Christina.

When you’ve finished, pick up the daily threads again, safe in the knowledge that your Astonishing duty has been done and that St Christina can rest peacefully for another year.

Happy Truckshunters Day.

(Incidentally, you can find out all about the Astonishing St Christina in blogposting 381, from July last year.)

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Today also seems like a good day to confirm that our Annual Grand Day Out at the Tanfield Railway will take place on Thursday 15 August.  It will start half an hour earlier than usual - at 1030 - so that we can catch the 1100 train from Andrews House station.

A splendid time is guaranteed for all.  You’d be a fool (or a mountebank) to miss it.

If anyone needs a lift on the day from Newcastle city, please get in touch in the usual way.

See you there…

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Post comments on this blog or email me:  truckshunters@googlemail.com  


Bentonbag said...

It's marked on my calendar!

Hildie said...

You'll never guess what .....
we've had a Truckshunter wedding!!!! I've just been looking on facebook and have seen that Brenda
has married Michael, without even breathing a word to us
(the little tinker)! I'm not sure of the date of the wedding but
maybe it was on Truckshunter Day
.... is that possibly what she means - in her comment above?!