Ian who?



First things first...

My apologies for being away from you for much, much longer than I’d imagined. And a big thankyou to all those people who’ve been commenting and inquiring on the blog - and/or who’ve been contacting the beleaguered Hildie - to find out where I was and whether I was alright.

I’m here and I’m fine.

Well, mostly. You may have gathered that my Grand Tour turned into much more of an adventure than I could have thought possible when I set out. The train journeys were wonderful, I visited some jaw-droppingly amazing cities and met some unforgettable people along the way. My expectations - already very high, as you know - were exceeded beyond belief. Those fifteen days still speak to me loudly and clearly in my heart and in my dreams. It was truly the time of my life; the proverbial journey of a lifetime.

I found out - a little late in life - that travelling overland broadens the mind because it extends and exercises the imagination, the senses of curiosity and wonder, the exhilaration of turning new corners and seeing the smiles of friendly strangers. It adds the spice of urgency to a love of languages and the things people say and a feeling of endless astonishment that there is so much cultural, linguistic and social diversity in this wonderful continent we are privileged to be part of.

I have already decided that it was not my last great adventure but my first. If fate allows, I never want to stop travelling and exploring and discovering. I have a feeling - and a very strong wish - that things will never be quite the same again. Nor should they be.

I know you were expecting me to tell my story as soon as my Grand Tour ended. And that is precisely what I intended to do. The problem is that it has not yet ended. My holiday has left many loose ends, lingering thoughts, images and daydreams unresolved. My memory will not let those fifteen days go. Their hold on me is very strong. I feel gloriously unsettled, restless, excited and uneasy. There is unfinished business and, to be honest, I do not know when or where it will end. And I can’t wait to find out...

In a couple of days I will begin to set my recollections before you (as it were) and you can make up your own minds.

In the meantime....

AGM XV will take place at 1100 this coming Friday 30 April. The faithful should foregather at the foot of Grey’s Monument or, perhaps, in the Pret a Manger opposite it. I’m seriously sorry about the short notice but I am desperately keen to see as many truckshunters as possible. Please try and attend if you can.

A splendid time is guaranteed for all.

Post comments on this blog or email me: truckshunters@googlemail.com