But before we finally say Goodbye to 2014...

These pictures from Europe have been chosen by a photographers' website as the very best of 2014; there is a photo from most of the member states of the European Union.


General Patton looks out over his men

 'Clean Monday' in Cyprus

 Spain (Menorca)

 Bruges, in Belgium


Wouldn't you know it!

Krka National Park

 Norway (on the left) and Sweden



A sheep path

A sand-sculpture

 A coastal abyss in Portugal

Light pillars

 Dawn over Poland


(where this 5,500-year-old wooden axe was dug up)



(where this 3,000-year-old chariot was dug up)

The Christmas tree is built of logs

Beaver-damaged trees
The Helsinki 'beer floating' festival

A flyover for cyclists

Czech Republic
The Prachov Rock Stairs

A (modern) underwater sculpture of Jesus

Unfortunately, the photo chosen to represent the UK - a picture of the Northern Lights over Newcastle - turned out to be a fake.
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Sid said...

Oh the shame of it.

Ian Robinson said...

Be comforted Sid. Serge attended the memorial march in Lyon today and, on all our behalves, he carried not only the French flag but the the English flag, too.

Serge said...

Et voilà, je viens juste de rentrer de Lyon, je n'avais jamais vu de ma vie autant de monde, il y avait 300.000 personnes, difficile de circuler, mais j'ai aussi été impressionné par le calme qui régnait. Beaucoup d'émotion, beaucoup de personnes m'ont demandé la nationalité du drapeau que je portais puisque je portais le drapeau de Newcastle, beaucoup de remerciement pour les Anglais, je ne suis pas pu allez jusqu'à la place Bellecour c'était trop difficile. Je suis resté place des terreaux. J'ai aussi brûlé deux bougies une pour la France et l'autre pour l'Angleterre, une Marseillaise est beaucoup de larmes et de pleur, je n'avais jamais autant pleuré de ma vie, je suis rentré vidé...c'était une journée forte en émotion, je n'oublierais j'aimais cette fameuse date du 11 janvier 2015 qui resteras gravé dans mon Coeur, je suis et resterais Charlie... que repose en paix les 17 victimes de cette attentat horrible...vive la France et vive la libre expression...Serge!

Ian Robinson said...

What Serge has said here is worth a blogposting in its own right...

Val said...

You're right Ian. Poignant words from Serge.

After the events of the last few days those photos of all over Europe seem to say different things now, saying something not easy to say in words. Something about celebrating differences while having common emotions, ideas and ideals; also about democracy and basic humanity.